Thursday, March 24th

Fontana Dam Visitor Center to Birch Spring Gap

6 miles

Total miles 172.3

It was a perfect day to hike. Also a long and hard day for me. My backpack was hurting and it’s probably because of taking time off. It also could have been from the 2000 feet ascent into the Smokies. 

I got a late start due to the shuttle from the lodge. It didn’t get us there until 9:30am. It’s very difficult for me to start hiking so late. Our eleven passenger van was turned into a clown car. We packed fourteen people into it. 

I found ramps today growing wild on the side of the trail. Ramps are scallion type onions that are expensive and coveted for cooking in the Spring. They are usually available only a few weeks a year. They also are only found on the eastern part of the United States. Tomorrow I will forage a few to add to my dinner of mashed potatoes. I’ve only known about ramps for a few years. I was hoping I would find some on the trail. 

I hiked uphill 2000 feet today. 

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