Valcarlos to Roncesvalle 13.1 km

Sunday, April 10th, 2022

Valcarlos to Roncesvalle

13.1 km
Total mileage 24.7km

An apple, banana, and cafe con leche for breakfast.

Today was a lot harder than yesterday.  Yesterday was a walk, today was a hike. The last few miles were the most difficult for me. I felt like I was on the Appalachian Trail again with wider paths. Alyssa convinced me to take my backpack off during breaks.  I always resisted taking my backpack off when I was on the AT.  It was just too heavy to put back on.  I used to use a tree to leverage it on my back since I couldn’t swing it around my body. My goodness, what a difference it makes to remove it.  I was able to recover my breath quickly and truly take a break and feel rested. When I was on the PCT and AT other hikers would urge me to remove my pack.  I should have listened before.  Although, in my defense, it really was almost impossible for me to put it back on without help or a well positioned tree or large rock/boulder.  This new backpack probably weighs a third of the weight my previous backpack held.  I no longer have to carry all my provisions for a week. 

We had lunch in Roncesvalle at La Posada. I had salad, fish, potatoes with a romesco sauce. My fish was cooked to perfection. Later at snack time, we sat outside at one of the cute cafe tables for hot chocolate and calamari. Dinner was at Hotel Roncesvalle. Our pilgrim meal consisted of pasta with a tomato sauce, and fried trout. My trout was delicious.

Lufthanza called after dinner and will send my backpack to a hotel in Pamplona on Wednesday. I’m so glad Alyssa took the call for me. The entire conversation was confusing.

Update from 6 months later…  I was supposed to be reimbursed for my extra expenses of $300.  We submitted all the required paperwork. Lufthanza still hasn’t reimbursed any money.  Whomp, whomp. 

Lights out at 2200. Lights on at 0600. We are planning to have a leisurely breakfast before departing.

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