Linzoain to Larrasoana 14 km

 Tuesday, April 12th, 2022

Linzoain to Larrasoana

14 km
Total mileage 52.3 km

Rainy morning/sunny afternoon

We had a nice breakfast consisting of Cafe con leche, toast, and eggs. Cereal if you wanted it.

It rained most of the morning. I used my new camino umbrella I bought in St. Jean Pied-de-Port. It kept the rain off of my head and the top of backpack. Later on I discovered the bottom of my jacket was very wet. Oh well, my head was dry.

Today’s terrain consisted of a few ascents, but mostly descents. There were also a lot of rocks. I hate to keep repeating myself but, thank goodness for my Appalachian Trail training. It was also very wet and slick on the rocks. The AT trained me well since I didn’t have any trouble hiking over the terrain.

We had a leisurely second breakfast in Zubiri before continuing on.

Picnic lunch outside of a church. Dinner at a bar attached to the supermercado. It was located across the street from our hostel/casa.

We are staying at El Peregrino hostel/casa. Sharing another three bed room.  There are many knicknacks and a beautiful terrace off our bedroom. Alyssa and Michi are out there enjoying it.

Breakfast at the hotel/hostel.

Rainy weather to start the day

Slippery rocks reminiscent of the Appalachian Trail

Puppy dog zone!

Puenta de la Rabia (Rabies Bridge)

Picnic lunch with a great view

Every pilgrim seems to take a picture of this mural

We’ve reached our hostel for the night

Pilgrim teddy bear


My new scallop shell necklace

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