12 Miles

Smiling, but tired after running 12 miles.

Today I ran 12 miles!  Wahoo!  Once again, the farthest I have ever run in my life.  And no one was chasing me either.  I did it just because. 

I was scheduled to do a 10 mile training run for the Eugene half-marathon at the end of the month.  I thought maybe I would go 11 miles since I did 10 last week.  At the cut-off for 11 miles I felt good so I decided what the heck, go for it, and went for 12.  I have to admit, my legs were tired on the last mile but I’m thrilled I did it.

I proved I will be able to run the entire half-marathon.  I still cannot believe I’ve become a runner.  I’m not sure when it happened.  Up until a month ago I was planning on doing run/walk intervals for this half-marathon.  I think I’m going to have to reread my blog posts to find out when I became a “runner”.

My time today was slow but that is okay with me.  12 miles in 2 hours, 49 minutes.  I averaged 14 minute miles.

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