Monday, March 28th

Derrick Knob Shelter to Silers Bald Shelter 

5.7 miles
Total miles 195.5
Last night was 14°. Brrrr
Today’s hike was very nice. There were some steep uphill climbs, but nothing I couldn’t handle. I met a nice hiker who I hiked part of the day with. His name was Stumpknocker (Mark). He was exactly my pace. Stumpknocker is 67 and has done the Appalachian Trail 7 times before. This time he started on the 20th anniversary of his first hike. 
There are only three of us in the shelter tonight.  I started another awesome fire in the fireplace today. My second campfire ever! I’m pretty good at it. The shelter is so quiet. Much different than last night. 

I called a shuttle that will pick me up at Clingmans Dome. Showers, soap, and laundry here I come!

Mushroom shaped like a Camino scallop shell

1 Comment

    Terri Hall

    April 10, 2022

    That mushroom is telling you something...


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