Wednesday, March 30th

Mt. Collins Shelter to Newfound Gap
4.9 miles
Total miles 207.7
My last Appalachian Trail hike for now. I hiked out with Stumpknocker Mark. We hiked the same pace and were meeting the section hiker Jack at Newfound Gap. The views today were spectacular.
The road out of the park, Newfound Gap, was closed today due to high winds. They were not letting any cars into the park at all. I was very fortunate that Jack had offered me a ride and his car was already in the park. I don’t know what, if anything, the other hikers were going to do. I prayed that everyone was safe.
I checked into the Margaritaville Inn in Pigeon Forge. I’m here until Friday morning. Ann Shepard, a childhood friend, is flying in to spend a few days with me. We haven’t seen each other in fifteen years.
Lunch, shower, and laundry.
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