A Camino shell shaped mushroom, I found on the Appalachian Trail.  I have a major announcement! I’m pivoting to Spain from the Appalachian Trail. My wonderful husband Ma

Derrick Knob Shelter to Silers Bald Shelter  5.7 miles Total miles 195.5 Last night was 14°. Brrrr Today’s hike was very nice. There were some steep uphill climbs, but

Mile 187.7 (dispersed camping) to Derrick Knob Shelter  2 miles Total miles 189.9 I took my time getting ready this morning. I didn’t have far to hike. Taking a tent dow

Russell Field Shelter to Mile 187.8 (dispersed camping) 7 miles Total miles 187.7 Today was my most difficult day. The terrain was relentless with the elevation changes and rocky p

Birch Spring Gap to Russell Field Shelter  8.5 miles Total miles 180.8 Another late start this morning, 8:10am, well a late start for me. I also found out my headlamp batterie