Chloe Butler’s Ski/Sled Ramp and Thanksgiving Preparations
Chloe has problems using steps now that she has advanced in age. Mark built this ramp for her while I was in California. She can use it as a ski/sled ramp on the icy days or as a walking ramp when she feels the need to be practical.
I spent the day cleaning the downstairs yesterday. This morning I spent the morning destroying, err I mean cooking, in the kitchen. While using the too small colander, I spilled potatoes onto the counter and sink. Good thing I made extra. Checked the pumpkin pie in the oven and proceeded to drop the tableknife. The pie now has a chunk off the side and the oven door had to be wiped off in four different places after being decorating with pie filling. We’re not going to talk about the mess I made from the sausage stuffed mushroom filling. I’m now taking a break before I undertake cleaning the kitchen again and cleaning the bathroom. I hope my turkey preparations go smoother tomorrow! 🙂 The good news is I have a large chunk of Thanksgiving preparations over! Forgot to add the fennel debacle…as I was seasoning the sausage-stuffed mushroom filling I unscrewed the cap of the fennel seeds…I thought there was a lid to shake the fennel seeds out. Turns out I should pay more attention to what I am doing. The entire half jar of fennel seeds went into the sausage mixture. I immediately took it over to the sink and was able to rinse out most of the fennel. The mixture turned out great but fennel is on the grocery list.
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