Treadmill time
I can finally start this blog entry off right. I followed my training schedule almost to the letter. Yesterday was a rest day. I did yardwork for a couple of hours. Mowing and weeding. Fun, fun, fun! Today I walked and jogged on the treadmill. I set it at .5% incline.
5 minutes walking at 3 mph warm-up
3 minutes walking at 3.5 mph / 1 minute jogging at 4.5 mph – repeat 12 times
5 minutes walking at 3 mph cooldown
I used a Gymboss Interval timer to keep me on schedule. I also watched to premiere episode of the 1978 Dallas series. I’m hoping to watch the entire series on the treadmill. It is going to take me quite a while. I just read that Dallas had 357 episodes. Watching Dallas kept my mind occupied since I hadn’t ever seen the first few seasons of this series.
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