Booty Busting Boot Camp today consisted of strength training.  I utilized 5 pound hand weights during the various exercises Tory showed us.  It is exactly what I was hopi

Today I ran 2 miles on the treadmill in 23:36 minutes.  I forgot to point the fan towards the treadmill so it rather defeated the purpose of a cooling breeze hitting my face.&

Today I jogged 3.07 miles in 37:40 minutes.  The first 1/4 mile is always the hardest but after that the mileage goes smoothly.  Mile 1 – 13:48Mile 2 – 11:39M

I attended Tory’s Booty Busting Boot Camp again.  This morning I awoke at 5:00am.  I got out of bed before my alarm was scheduled to wake me up.  The timi

I completed 3 miles in 39:54 minutes this morning.  I always walk a portion of the first mile and then run very slowly for my warm-up.  Still, my first half mile was a st

Today was another running class.  We went 6.58 miles in 1:27:34.  We are running intervals in the class of 3 minutes running to 1 minute walking.  Laura Weir, Jeanne